At Backbury House, we house a private vineyard established over approximately one acre of southern aspect hillside.

All of our retreat packages include social activities and an opportunity to sample our special house wine.

Please scroll down to learn more about our vineyard and wines.

A Mature Vineyard

Our mature vineyard was planted in 2004 and features the grape varieties of Phoenix and Seyval.

The phoenix grape is the dominant variety here at Backbury House and we have approximately 175 vines.

The Phoenix grape is a low maintenance variety with a good yield and disease resistance.

The Characteristics of our wine

The characteristic of the Phoenix grape is Sauvignon Blanc-like with aromatic and floral notes.

On opening our wine, you will be pleasantly met with fresh, floral aromatics. On the palette, among the wine characteristic that you will experience are an apple-like acidity with sweet undercurrents.

Have you tried our wine?

Backbury House Retreats

Backbury House




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